Monday, January 17, 2011

King Still King?

Sorry this blog is late everybody for some reason blogger wouldn't let me publish but its all better now and thats all that matters.

Is Martin Luther King Jr. important even today? Does he still have an impact in our lives? Can we see his impact on our every day-to-day life? The true questions are would we have this same present day life? Would our lives be the same? Would our ideas and thought be the same? Would we look at other races the same and think we are equal? If Martin Luther King Jr. did not do what he did, we would not be where we are today. I think someone else would have fought for the same changes but probably much later. We would not all know those famous quotes of equality that we hear every day. So yes, his work can still be seen today. We can see that races are treated more equal every day, we can see different races getting along and coexisting together.  I think if King was never around then nothing would have changed until much later and the outcome could have been completely different and could have changed what we know today.
 Therefore, this 3-day weekend should be enjoyed but not just thought as another day off school. We should think off what the day is for and how this person changed history forever. Without this person, the present might not be the same. So on this three-day weekend think about a little more than sleeping in past 1 pm. Think about the person we take a day to acknowledge because Martin Luther King is still a King today.

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