Monday, February 21, 2011

Propaganda 2011

1. information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.
2. the deliberate spreading of such information, rumors, etc.
3. the particular doctrines or principles propagated by an organization or movement.
We have heard the word propaganda used throughout our history books or as we lay half asleep in class during a lecture, but do we ever think of it outside the class or just cramming for the test. Propaganda was not just used in history with Germany in World War II but it surrounds us in our present day modern society. We Chicagoans have a perfect example of propaganda everyday for the last couple week with our election for mayor. Every time we turn on the television we see one of the many candidates in a commercials or debate. Propaganda is telling and putting information out there for the public to mold their opinions and views about a certain topic or against other people. This is exactly what has been occurring the last couple weeks, candidates promising us to lower that and do this, but only if you vote for them. They try to convince you to vote for them because they are the right choice while at the same time tering down the competitors. They run others commercials just to bash on the others telling us at home they won’t be able to keep your children safe and money in your pockets but they can if you give them the chance. They run these commercials to convince you not to vote for the other candidates and change your view of them. This is all propaganda the spreading and influencing you just for a vote is one of the many forms of propaganda that we see today. From the big things like the election for mayor to the type of products you buy. In my opinion most of the commercials on tv are used as propaganda to influence to buy something you don’t need and tell you not to buy something else. Propaganda is a key part of American society in my opinion but that doesn’t mean we have to be influenced by it.

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