Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Band Perry Music Review

For all those people who hate country you should really reconsider. I use to hate country and now that’s all I listen to and popular rising band you should really know is The Band Perry. You might have heard them before they have two big hits “Hip to My Heart” and “If I die Young” which was #1 on the country music charts and is nominated for a Grammy. They have more than just two songs though. I actually got one of their songs from the free on iTunes on the homepage before they were popular and known. The Band Perry is considered country, the group has a mix of both deep tear jerking songs like “If I Die Young” which was made popular by Kimberly Perry’s soulful voice describing her life up until then if it ended the next day. It’s an extremely sad song not necessarily what you want your first popular known song to be but it is wonderful and it does the job. The band has also upbeat songs like their other big hit “Hip to My Heart” which has a fun beat which is fun to sing along with at the top of your lungs. The band only has one album out right now it was released October 12th of this year and they performed at the ACAs. They were nominated at the CMA awards for Vocal Group of the Year and then at the ACAs they were nominated for New/Breakthrough Artist of the Year and Duo/Group of the Year. They are even up for a Grammy for Best Country Song for “If I Die Young”. They have gotten really popular in country but still barely anyone knows of them, you only know the big country names but let me tell they are amazing. The Band Perry consist of Kimberly Perry, Neil Perry, and Reid Perry all siblings from Mobile, Alabama. Kimberly Perry is the lead vocalist, her brother Neil plays the drums, mandolin, and accordion and is background vocals and the last bother Reid is bass guitar and background vocals also. The Band Perry’s self-titled album is their only album so far and all I can say is it is amazing from start to finish every song I believe is unique. The music on this album has amazing vocals, Kimberly has an amazing voice that I don’t find gets pitchy or screechy like some other country vocals do. The variety of instruments in the songs really contributes to the bands great sound. My personal favorites on the album are Hip to my Heart, Quittin' You, Postcards from Paris, You Lie, Independence and I Miss You Being Gone.  That is most of the album but I love this albums so much I just put it on repeat while doing my homework, I can't get enough of them.This band is on fire, the lyrics can be quirky in some songs but it works for this country group. I really like this band and I think you should check them out even though they are country. Most people say they don’t like country but they don’t understand what country is but if you listen to The Band Perry you will understand what country is and love it. Look them up and you will be surprised at this popular rising country band from Alabama.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


In the story of the Great Gatsby, the main character Nick Carroway and Jay Gatsby start to build a relationship that could maybe even be called a friendship. It all starts when Jay invites Nick to one of his extravagant parties that he throws every weekend. The author leads us to believe that this is a kind gesture only because the proximity of their homes but there is a real reason. This true reason is Jay is in love with Daisy Nick’s cousin once removed. They used to know each other when Jay was stationed in Daisy’s hometown Louisville, Kentucky. They fell in love but were separated when he was sent off to war. Daisy then married Tom even though she still deeply loved Jay. Jay moved to West Egg to be near her even though she did not know that. For this reason, Jay starts a relationship with Nick in the hopes he can get closer to Daisy. So really Nick is being used for who is family is. Jay took him out to dinner in New York City and offers his many expensive things to become friends and literally be his wingman. He wanted Nick to set up tea with Daisy but not to let her know he was coming so she would not refuse because unlike her husband Tom Daisy has always been faithful. Therefore, Nick helps him out and invites Daisy to tea and Daisy and Jay’s love starts to rekindle. It was awkward in the beginning because Jay was so nervous to see the women he has loved for so long. But later Nick ends up leaving so the two could be alone together. Jay used Nick to get to Daisy and that is the theme of the relationship. Nick is not the kind of the person to use people to get what he wants he is an honest person so the using to self-benefit is a one-way street. Jay and Nick’s relationship is very beneficial to Jay but Nick get things out of the deal too like dinners in New York, and someone to cut his lawn and many other offers he turned down thinking it wasn’t right to take it all. Therefore, the relationship is beneficial to Both Jay and Nick, their relationship has developed so far in the novel because of Daisy but will Jay continue to socialize with Nick even after he has become friends Daisy again? Where will Nick and Jay’s relationship go from here?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Real Meaning of Winter Holidays

You know Christmas and Kwanzaa
And Hanukkah and Al-Hijrah
Winter Solstice and Rohatsu,
New Years and Pancha Gatapati
But do you recall the importance of them all
The greatest thing of them all is being with your family through it all
It’s not the gift you open or the gifts you give, or
The candles you light, or
The songs you sing.
It’s not where you spend it, or how much you spend.
It’s being with your family on the cold winter’s night
It’s laughing until your stomach goes tight
It's building a snowman that might get up and jam
It’s about catching snowflakes on your tongue.
It's making a snowball with the first snowfall
It’s the crackle of the fire while you warm on the couch
It’s the crunching the snow makes when you step outside when all you can do is count down until its sand and shell and no more snows between your toes.
It’s not about which holiday you celebrate
It’s about enjoying winter with your family which makes it so great
It’s not what you get, it’s who you get to share it with
So Merry Christmas, and Happy Kwanzaa,
Happy Hanukkah and Al-Hijrah
Happy Winter Solstice and Rohatsu,
And Happy New Year and Pancha Gatapati.
But just remember to says to the ones who care
Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Fun Facts :
Al-Hijra: Islamic New Year
Rohatsu- Japanese Buddist Holiday on December 8th. It marks the day that Buddha achieved realization or enlightenment. They celebrate the day every year for the chance they can do the same.
Pancha Ganapati: Is a Hindu religion- it’s a 5 day festival from December 21 through 25th and celebrates Lord Ganasha who is the patron of Arts and Gaurdian of Culture.
Kwanza- Is not religious holiday, it celebrated by African American celebrating their people and history. It can be celebrated by anyone.
(All these holidays are celebrated around the same time in December)