Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Real Meaning of Winter Holidays

You know Christmas and Kwanzaa
And Hanukkah and Al-Hijrah
Winter Solstice and Rohatsu,
New Years and Pancha Gatapati
But do you recall the importance of them all
The greatest thing of them all is being with your family through it all
It’s not the gift you open or the gifts you give, or
The candles you light, or
The songs you sing.
It’s not where you spend it, or how much you spend.
It’s being with your family on the cold winter’s night
It’s laughing until your stomach goes tight
It's building a snowman that might get up and jam
It’s about catching snowflakes on your tongue.
It's making a snowball with the first snowfall
It’s the crackle of the fire while you warm on the couch
It’s the crunching the snow makes when you step outside when all you can do is count down until its sand and shell and no more snows between your toes.
It’s not about which holiday you celebrate
It’s about enjoying winter with your family which makes it so great
It’s not what you get, it’s who you get to share it with
So Merry Christmas, and Happy Kwanzaa,
Happy Hanukkah and Al-Hijrah
Happy Winter Solstice and Rohatsu,
And Happy New Year and Pancha Gatapati.
But just remember to says to the ones who care
Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Fun Facts :
Al-Hijra: Islamic New Year
Rohatsu- Japanese Buddist Holiday on December 8th. It marks the day that Buddha achieved realization or enlightenment. They celebrate the day every year for the chance they can do the same.
Pancha Ganapati: Is a Hindu religion- it’s a 5 day festival from December 21 through 25th and celebrates Lord Ganasha who is the patron of Arts and Gaurdian of Culture.
Kwanza- Is not religious holiday, it celebrated by African American celebrating their people and history. It can be celebrated by anyone.
(All these holidays are celebrated around the same time in December)


  1. I feel like it was REALLY easy for you to write the lyrics.

  2. Dang Devin.... you are a poet and don't even know it, but seriously this is a pretty good poem for your first draft
