Friday, November 26, 2010

I am Thankful for a Classmate

Thanksgiving. That’s all that needs to be said. I don’t especially like thanksgiving, it has to be my least favorite holiday of the year. I do however like the message behind the holiday, which is to get together with your family and celebrate the things that you are thankful that you don’t think about on a daily basis. All those things that you take for granite that you are suppose to appreciate. You are SUPPOSE to dig deep and admit you are thankful your little sister and those parents that are always on your back about cleaning your room. In that aspect thanksgiving is not that bad of a holiday, I don’t even know why I don’t like the holiday. I can’t pin point it exactly but I have never been a fan. I don’t get that warm feeling when we are at the dinner table with the family and it’s not the family because I love my family. It’s just something about thanksgiving.
I do however LOVE my American lit class and I am very thankful for this class. This class actually makes me laugh which is exactly what I need early in the morning to get me going. This class is my favorite class and it’s because the people.
I am especially thankful for (CORNY ALERT!!!!) sorry it was necessary for this blog
Lina Tan- I have known you since freshman year. You are such a nice person and you always make me laugh. You are always willing to help me when I need it and always willing to text me the homework when I forgot to write it down or wasn’t paying attention. You would always come to the girls volleyball games to cheer the team on, which was awesome that someone stayed for jv games and even cheered for us. You are always so kind to everyone. You act really quiet in class but I know you better that as soon as you walk out of the class you just start talking and talking. I am thankful for you and how you are so nice to me every day, you start my day on a good note every day. I am so thankful I have a class with you this year.
I am very thankful for the whole class but a special shout out to Cecily, Nikki, Gordon, Dominick, Carl, Jose, Kamal, Jaleel, and Josue who make the class even more enjoyable every day. You guys make the class funny and make me want to pay attention every day. I am thankful for the entire class but you guys are pretty fun to have around in class.
Not considered under the classmate category would be Mr. McCarthy. He is such a awesome teacher. A lot of people say that but I don’t think that actually covers it. He gets us to actually like coming to one of the most boring subjects in school. He teaches us in what I think in a comical way which makes us laugh and keeps us learning. He jokes around with the class and gives people nicknames (Hurley) which I think is funny. I am thankful to have gotten him as my teacher this year for American literature
There is a lot to be thankful this year and from a school perspective I am very thankful for this class. Thanks 3rd period for being so awesome this year. I have officially over used the phrase “I am thankful for” in this blog but I am thankful for my American lit class this year.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am a Plow

an agricultural implement used for cutting, lifting, turning over, and partly pulverizing soil.
any of various implements resembling or suggesting this, as a kind of plane for cutting grooves or a contrivance for clearing away snow from a road or track.

I am the plow of my life. A plow is a tool that makes and forms the fields so they can be planted and grown. I am the plow of the field that is my life. I form it and work my life so it can grow and flourish into the future I want. I can choose what direction to go and the way I do it because it is my life and I am plowing it, not anyone else. I form my destiny just like a plow forms a field. A plow also makes the rows of the field to make the paths within the crops. I plow my paths in life to achieve my goals. Right now I’m half way through the field which I consider high school, plowing my way to my goal of college. I am continually working and forming myself to graduate and get to college. Being a plow is completely metaphorical but it is still completely true, we are all the leaders of our futures only we can decide where we go and what we do in life. We are the ones that work to reach our goals, no one is going to reach our goals for us. Sometimes when plowing our lines they become crooked as we stray from our goals but we always reach the end of the field eventually which is our goal. You can be a plow and still can be plowed. You are plowed by family, friends and even teachers at school, they form and mold you into the person you are suppose to be when you become older just like a plow. A plow splits the fields and loosens the soil which is what also happens to you when we are plowed. Our minds are opened to the knowledge of the world which expands who we are and molds our thoughts, opinions, ideas, and our way of thinking. I am a plow but I am always willing to be plowed by the people I encounter every day. (Metaphorically)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Which Way Now ???

The beginning of the year has come to a close with the first quarter just like all things have to. The only drag is you can’t use the excuse with your teachers sorry it’s the beginning of the year I forgot my book can I run to my locker or it’s the beginning of the year I forgot to do my blog can I do it today and still get full credit. We can’t use the sorry I’m new excuse and now more is expected from us. In another ten weeks were going to be freaking out about finals instead of what is Mr. McCarthy going to say to my mom when she comes for report card pick up.
Personally American lit this year is my favorite class and I’m not just saying this because this blog is for American lit and Mr. McCarthy will be reading it. I especially like independent reading Thursday or it now goes by its new name Devin’s day. It has to be my favorite day OF ALL TIME or just the week either one. I find it relaxing to sit down with a book that I have been meaning to read all week. I always try to make time to leisurely read during the week but I usually end up having too much homework or I try to read right before bed but 9 out of 10 times I fall asleep after the first sentence. That’s why on Thursday when I get my time to read the book I have been trying to read I get really excited. Another aspect of the class that I really like is that we don’t get a lot of homework I find we learn the same amount as the other classes just not through homework more through class work and class discussions(which gets side tracked really easily, but I don’t mind its usually very entertaining). The blogs at the beginning of the year I thought were going to be horrible, I absolutely hate to write. I found though doing the blogs every week is kinda fun. If I don’t know anything about the topic I research it briefly and I learn some new things. Blogs have actually become a fun assignment to do every week.
The only negatives I have for the class is that when we have to read for homework we have to read a billion pages at a time. Let’s be honest it wouldn’t be bad if it was our only homework but it’s very time consuming and I have 6 other classes to work for also. Not to mention the books were reading are really REALLY boring it sometimes takes even longer to read just for the fact that you can’t get into it. Lately it’s even worst because the Crucible wasn’t’ that bad but the House of the Seven Gables is awful. Then we have to read it for homework and read ahead but in class we are a couple chapters behind. This makes everything very confusing. This I don’t think will last long because some of the books we are going to read I hear are actually good like the diary of a part time Indian. I like this class a lot, it’s a lot of fun like watching Pelada this year is going to be really fun.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Modern Slavery: Is America any Better?

This week’s blog is about modern day slavery but what is slavery really? If most of were asked to define slavery we would think of the civil war and African slavery in the south. This is a false idea that we have developed from school, there are many forms of slavery. We don’t take the time to think about it but a percentage of our belongings were made by slave workers or forced workers somehow had a part in making it. Today slavery is still much alive just in different forms like human trafficking and forced prostitution. Everyone thinks it’s only in foreign countries like Cambodia, Thailand, South America and eastern Europe but your wrong it is a huge deal in America right now. Thousands of American girls every year are abducted or lured away from home and forced to be a sex slave. The average age in America for girls being forcing to be a sex slave is 11 years old, the range however is as young as nine to 19 years old. There are 300,000 girls kidnapped every year. The popular website Craiglist last year made hundreds of thousands of dollars from sex slavery, many ads on the site are used for these purposes. It’s a big deal that doesn’t get the attention it deserves.
This is a form of slavery that doesn’t get much attention but I think it’s really needs it. Many girls are taken by friends and people they trust. The numbers are so high something needs to be done about it. Many people think slavery doesn’t exist close to home because they don’t see it but it does. Something needs to be done, this is running these girls lives. These girls are scarred for life and many girls are killed. Slavery still exist and needs to get attention to get it to stop but many people think since it doesn’t affect them then they don’t have to worry about it. We need to wake up and care for the well being for others. No one wants to be a modern day slave in any form we need to help stop it. There’s a saying we learn from our mistakes but has America really? What has changed from civil war slavery until now?