Thursday, November 4, 2010

Modern Slavery: Is America any Better?

This week’s blog is about modern day slavery but what is slavery really? If most of were asked to define slavery we would think of the civil war and African slavery in the south. This is a false idea that we have developed from school, there are many forms of slavery. We don’t take the time to think about it but a percentage of our belongings were made by slave workers or forced workers somehow had a part in making it. Today slavery is still much alive just in different forms like human trafficking and forced prostitution. Everyone thinks it’s only in foreign countries like Cambodia, Thailand, South America and eastern Europe but your wrong it is a huge deal in America right now. Thousands of American girls every year are abducted or lured away from home and forced to be a sex slave. The average age in America for girls being forcing to be a sex slave is 11 years old, the range however is as young as nine to 19 years old. There are 300,000 girls kidnapped every year. The popular website Craiglist last year made hundreds of thousands of dollars from sex slavery, many ads on the site are used for these purposes. It’s a big deal that doesn’t get the attention it deserves.
This is a form of slavery that doesn’t get much attention but I think it’s really needs it. Many girls are taken by friends and people they trust. The numbers are so high something needs to be done about it. Many people think slavery doesn’t exist close to home because they don’t see it but it does. Something needs to be done, this is running these girls lives. These girls are scarred for life and many girls are killed. Slavery still exist and needs to get attention to get it to stop but many people think since it doesn’t affect them then they don’t have to worry about it. We need to wake up and care for the well being for others. No one wants to be a modern day slave in any form we need to help stop it. There’s a saying we learn from our mistakes but has America really? What has changed from civil war slavery until now?


  1. i really like your point about learning from our mistakes. i put in my blog that prostitution was a form of slavery too, but i guess i didn't know that many facts about it, it's scary. i think there are two reasons people aren't trying to stop this problem. one is distractions, there are too many things in our society that distract from doing what right. and second, i think that when people hear the word slavery, they jump to what you (and i for that matter) think of first, the civil war, the south, etc. so people, when they hear slavery, think, "oh, that's not in our society anymore, and plus it's not effecting me so whatever!" it's stupid and dangerous ignorance that needs to be dealt with. so...yeah

  2. Its really interesting and mind- bogling how people or the media or anyone can be so upfront on this type of abuse and degradation of women. Craigslist is a famous website on the web, meaning that anyone that has access to the internet can see it. How much more upfront could they be about it. Something needs to be done, because this is too much exposure for a cruel cause for it to go unnoticed.

  3. Like Anna and Briana I'm so suprised about the abuse girls get from slavery. I never really researched so much into this topic because just thinking about girls our age and different ages getting sexually abused and kidnapped from their families is just awful. Thanks for ton of info. Really made me more aware
