Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am a Plow

an agricultural implement used for cutting, lifting, turning over, and partly pulverizing soil.
any of various implements resembling or suggesting this, as a kind of plane for cutting grooves or a contrivance for clearing away snow from a road or track.

I am the plow of my life. A plow is a tool that makes and forms the fields so they can be planted and grown. I am the plow of the field that is my life. I form it and work my life so it can grow and flourish into the future I want. I can choose what direction to go and the way I do it because it is my life and I am plowing it, not anyone else. I form my destiny just like a plow forms a field. A plow also makes the rows of the field to make the paths within the crops. I plow my paths in life to achieve my goals. Right now I’m half way through the field which I consider high school, plowing my way to my goal of college. I am continually working and forming myself to graduate and get to college. Being a plow is completely metaphorical but it is still completely true, we are all the leaders of our futures only we can decide where we go and what we do in life. We are the ones that work to reach our goals, no one is going to reach our goals for us. Sometimes when plowing our lines they become crooked as we stray from our goals but we always reach the end of the field eventually which is our goal. You can be a plow and still can be plowed. You are plowed by family, friends and even teachers at school, they form and mold you into the person you are suppose to be when you become older just like a plow. A plow splits the fields and loosens the soil which is what also happens to you when we are plowed. Our minds are opened to the knowledge of the world which expands who we are and molds our thoughts, opinions, ideas, and our way of thinking. I am a plow but I am always willing to be plowed by the people I encounter every day. (Metaphorically)

1 comment:

  1. i think this is a really good interpretation. I think you could easily turn this into a story or a poem etc. one thing i think you need to elaborate on is what a plow is meant to do. a plow is meant to help acheive something else (like planting seeds and what not). You've got a great start, but i think you could talk more about how the plows in our life help to lay the seeds for the future.
